As someone who cares about privacy, how do I feel working for Google?
(Needless to say, all opinions are mine, I don't speak for my employer or anyone else.) A friend recently asked me this question "Thai: I think you have showed a very consistent view on privacy so I would like to ask a rather sensitive question (feel free to not answer): how do you feel working for Google, one of the most notorious companies in tracking and keeping people private data?" I found my job rewarding. Google in general and my team in particular have done a lot to improve the privacy and security of not only Google users, but the Internet as a whole. If Google wasn't pushing hard and investing heavily in the past few years, most traffic on the Internet would have still been sent unencrypted or over outdated protocols. Many core developers of OpenSSL, the software package that enables Internet encryption, are my coworker. Many of the most important innovations and researches on Internet encryption were done by Googlers. HSTS, public-key pinning, ...